ПРИЧИНА по которой БАРНЕВЕРН явился в чужой дом за грудным ребенком - он не был идентифицирован, не было свидетельства о рождении, короче.
Барневерн всегда приходит с полицией. Надо сказать, что полиция лишь выполняет приказ. В данном случае полицейские недоумевали сами - семья была заботливая и они не имели на руках бумагу с причиной, по которой забирают ребенка во время сна. Вместо того, чтобы обезвреживать Брейвиков, главная работа полицейских в Норвегии - это насильное изъятие детей из семьи.
Они пришли за малышом Каспианом без постановления суда. Без ордера на арест. Без реального мотива. Семье сказали только, что мать и ее сына разыскивали. На каком основании - они не знали.
Как это может быть в цивилизованной стране? - задается вопросом автор.- Мы не хотели связывать систему норвежской барневерн с системой фашистов. Когда в апреле 2016-го в Лос-Анжелесе прошла акция против норвежской барневерн, мы призывали не высказывать на митингах такие ассоциации. Мы хотели быть позитивными и конструктивными. Мы хотели апеллировать к здравому смыслу. Но это уже чересчур... Всё, что происходит, делали нацисты в 30-40-х годах. Это они забирали детей евреев. Навсегда.
Это то, что сейчас делает норвежская "служба защиты детей" и полицейская команда.
Весь мир теперь будет знать, что случилось в Брандал, Норвегия.

"Если норвежцы сейчас же не поднимутся, значит потерян моральный фундамент в этой стране."
Я знаю планы Гитлера о чистой нации с голубой кровью. Эти планы разрушил Советский Союз. Мне сейчас пришла безумная мысль - ведь бродили слухи, что не Гитлера нашли в обгоревшем ковре. Точно... Теперь я знаю - бежал в Норвегию. По другому никак не могу объяснить то, что я сейчас напишу. Кому еще в голову могла прийти подобная идея.
Многие десятилетия, вплоть до 70-х годов отбирались дети у странников, таких, как цыгане. Барневерн привлекал полицию, чтобы дать детям, по их словам - barnets beste - лучшее - жизнь без братьев и сестер, родителей и родственников. Они помещались в "институты". Только сейчас я поняла, почему детские дома в Норвегии называются "институтами". Ведь только в институтах можно проводить опыты над "кроликами".
Девочки тестировались на IQ и стерилизовались. Это было так же сделано с некоторыми мальчиками. Все они работали в трудовой колонии при жесткой дисциплине. Все это было "добровольно-принудительно". Никому из родителей даже не позволяли думать, что они могут забрать ребенка.
Это часть новейшей истории Норвегии. Последняя трудовая колония была закрыта в 1989-м году. Последняя стерилизация была сделана в 1964 (!).....
Позже правительство вынуждено было заплатить компенсации семьям и извиниться за сломанные жизни. (Nina E. Tveter)
Через 24 года после последней стерилизации в Молде, Норвегия, в то же самое время закрылась последняя трудовая колония Svanviken labor colony in Nordmøre, социальный работник Kari Killén пишет докторский тезис. Это была работа, позволившая системе Барневерн прийти в сегодняшний день.
После изучения всего лишь 17 детей Киллен определила будущее барневерн. Она сказала работать сотрудникам барневерн над оценкой - какие родители помогут "выжить" детям. Честно говоря, не могу правильно сформулировать перевод, поэтому ставлю оригинал: Killén told the social workers to evaluate “which parents can help children to survive!” (Molde, Norway, 19.02.2009)
Девочки тестировались на IQ и стерилизовались. Это было так же сделано с некоторыми мальчиками. Все они работали в трудовой колонии при жесткой дисциплине. Все это было "добровольно-принудительно". Никому из родителей даже не позволяли думать, что они могут забрать ребенка.
Это часть новейшей истории Норвегии. Последняя трудовая колония была закрыта в 1989-м году. Последняя стерилизация была сделана в 1964 (!).....
Позже правительство вынуждено было заплатить компенсации семьям и извиниться за сломанные жизни. (Nina E. Tveter)
Через 24 года после последней стерилизации в Молде, Норвегия, в то же самое время закрылась последняя трудовая колония Svanviken labor colony in Nordmøre, социальный работник Kari Killén пишет докторский тезис. Это была работа, позволившая системе Барневерн прийти в сегодняшний день.
После изучения всего лишь 17 детей Киллен определила будущее барневерн. Она сказала работать сотрудникам барневерн над оценкой - какие родители помогут "выжить" детям. Честно говоря, не могу правильно сформулировать перевод, поэтому ставлю оригинал: Killén told the social workers to evaluate “which parents can help children to survive!” (Molde, Norway, 19.02.2009)
Социальные работники взялись за дело настолько рьяно, что последствия привели к катастрофе. Полиция и барневерн каждый день забирает из родного дома 4-5 ребенка, большинство из них никогда не возвращается обратно. В последнем году - 2015 - "защита" детей обошлась государству в 20 миллиардов норвежских крон.
Киллен, соцработник, отвечает за часть учебной программы для людей, желающих стать социальным работником. Преподает много лет. По ее мнению 45% норвежских детей страдает от эмоционального пренебрежения. 45% детей будут травмированы собственными родителями из-за "сомнительной связи". Служба барневерн должна прийти им на помощь. У этих 45% детей есть "родители" которые не могут помочь им выжить. Только высококвалифицированные могут это понять. Медицинские сестры, врачи могут определить это уже во время беременности.
A Forced Stay in a “Home for Mothers”
Вынужденное пребывание в "Доме матери"
На сегодняшний день сотни матерей ежегодно вынуждены находиться в Доме матери или потерять ребенка СРАЗУ. Так же, как в случае с цыганами, выбора у вас нет, если на-сто-я-тель-но предложили вам "помощь" в этом доме. Ниже на английском описано, как это "добровольно" делается. Единственное отличие от 60-х годов - стерилизовать детей не будут.
A Forced Stay in a “Home for Mothers”
Вынужденное пребывание в "Доме матери"
На сегодняшний день сотни матерей ежегодно вынуждены находиться в Доме матери или потерять ребенка СРАЗУ. Так же, как в случае с цыганами, выбора у вас нет, если на-сто-я-тель-но предложили вам "помощь" в этом доме. Ниже на английском описано, как это "добровольно" делается. Единственное отличие от 60-х годов - стерилизовать детей не будут.
Я уже писала о доме матери, ссылка выше в заголовке, здесь я поставлю только выдержку перевода, что надо делать, если к вам пришла беда под названием БАРНЕВЕРН:
текст на норвежском здесь
- Молчи - всё, что ты скажешь будет использовано против тебя.
- Свяжись с адвокатом. Как советуют норвежцы, если адвокат предлагает сотрудничество с барневерн - срочно меняйте адвоката.
- Обследуйся у психолога, даже если ты здоров.
- Не принимайте помощь - это будет расцениваться, что вы не в состоянии самостоятельно что-то решить.
- Никогда не принимай как помощь предложение места в так называемом мёдреем -mødrehjem- это не институт помощи, это центр надзора. Кстати, дословный перевод мёдреем - дом матери.. Если в России в этом доме помогают матери, то в Норвегии - отбирают детей. Такое вот.. шиворот-навыворот
- Требуй письменного описания причин ситуации, которые касаются тебя.
- Аппелируй все решения.
- Никогда не принимай предложения от бередскапсъем - beredskapshjem (временное проживание ребёнка в чужой семье до рнахождения постоянного места) - ты никогда не вернешь ребенка назад.
- Помни, когда барневерн предлагает помощь, он имеет в виду опеку или надзор.
- Если тебе нужна помощь - обращайся к друзьям и родственникам.
Женщины, прошедшие этот путь, рассказывают, насколько теплый прием устраивают для них первоначально, естественная обстановка, располагающая к тому, чтобы раскрыть душу.
Затем начиналось нелегальное видеонаблюдение и принуждение к выполнению определенных заданий. Каждые полчаса отмечание, мониторинг голоса, мимики, инициативы, все под контролем. Самый серьезный фактор - отсутствие зрительного контакта или другого взаимодействия с ребенком.
Как показывает практика, этот экзамен никто не прошел. Женщины читали рапорт, какие они были в начале рапорта, и совершенно не узнавали себя в конце. Конец рапортов разных женщин странным образом похожи.
Мать наблюдалась 5 месяцев таким образом, и каждый раз, когда забирали ребенка, она плакала. Рапорт из Дома матери - мать нестабильна, боится потерять ребенка. Раз "нестабильна", как ей можно доверить ребенка.
Киллен учит, что если мать еще не имеет навыков ухаживания за ребенком, то она никогда их уже и не освоит.
Сколько родителей еще будут признаны недостойными воспитывать детей?
Некоторые, побывавшие в лапах барневерн, говорят, что лучше бы их стерилизовали, тогда бы они точно знали, что у них нет будущего в их стране.
Электронное письмо министра Сольвейг Хорне одной из пострадавших, если коротко:
...Вы не единственные, которые встретили на своем пути барневерн, который не функционирует...... У нас есть много хороших законов о барневерн, но у барневерн свои законы.... Поэтому здесь никакого контроля....

И некоторые комментарии под статьей:
...Margaret Hennum says:
Как показывает практика, этот экзамен никто не прошел. Женщины читали рапорт, какие они были в начале рапорта, и совершенно не узнавали себя в конце. Конец рапортов разных женщин странным образом похожи.
Мать наблюдалась 5 месяцев таким образом, и каждый раз, когда забирали ребенка, она плакала. Рапорт из Дома матери - мать нестабильна, боится потерять ребенка. Раз "нестабильна", как ей можно доверить ребенка.
Киллен учит, что если мать еще не имеет навыков ухаживания за ребенком, то она никогда их уже и не освоит.
Сколько родителей еще будут признаны недостойными воспитывать детей?
Некоторые, побывавшие в лапах барневерн, говорят, что лучше бы их стерилизовали, тогда бы они точно знали, что у них нет будущего в их стране.
Электронное письмо министра Сольвейг Хорне одной из пострадавших, если коротко:
...Вы не единственные, которые встретили на своем пути барневерн, который не функционирует...... У нас есть много хороших законов о барневерн, но у барневерн свои законы.... Поэтому здесь никакого контроля....

И некоторые комментарии под статьей:
...Margaret Hennum says:
I am sorry to tell, Anonymous, that your situation is not rare in in Norway now. People are afraid of having contact with dentists, kindergartens, schools, family nurses etc, because they are all instructed to report what is definitely normal behaviour to barnevernet! In this way other public welfare systems and public institutions undermine their own work. We are about to have a society of informers in Norway, and we are all in the same situation, wherever we come from. I would advice you to tell your children NOT to tell anything about the family life to others!
About forced sterilisation, though: It has been going on after it was officially ended as a “program”. There was a tv program around year 2000 about a Vietnamese refugee woman who was pressured into sterilisation and her daughter was also taken. They had with the help of a doctor “diagnosed” her as retarded. She was not. But if she had been, did that excuse the way she was treated? Her husband-to-be, later her husband, had been a seaman overseas at the time, so for a little while she had had nobody to help her against these “do-gooders”. At the time of the tv program, a respectable, well-known, private clinic in Oslo was trying to help restore her fertility. Her daughter obviously wanted at least contact with her, Barnevernet was doing everything to block it.
About Killén’s doctoral thesis: I have a copy of it here, but I have not read it solidly. However: She writes about child abuse etc, basing it on less than 2 dozen cases at a hospital. Out of these, she holds 2 cases to be proven NOT-abused children. These she takes as her sort of “control group”, so every difference between these and the rest is supposed to be due to abuse …?
On a general level, I would have to say that Killén omits to do an essential thing in all research, something without which certainly all empirical research is invalid: She does not search for counter-evidence. It is apparent in her text-books also, the best-known of which I HAVE read very carefully.
In 1995, I collected statements from scholars and others in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and submitted them to our parliament, because there was a proposal in, a members’ private bill, from two parliament members to have Barnevernet reformed. Our statements went to the committee for child and family affairs; the statements were commented on in the debate in parliament, so they were not just loose opinions or irrelevant chit-chat.
Among these statements, I obtained one from a neuro-psychiatrist and pediatrician in Sweden (his research is high quality and parts of it are highly relevant for CPS questions). He had come across Killén’s doctoral work, and wrote a paragraph about it in his statement. He compared her kind of research to what is done when some research group or medical firm wants to put a new kind of medicine on the market: Double blind tests, up to thousands of test subjects, duplication trials.
On a general level, I would have to say that Killén omits to do an essential thing in all research, something without which certainly all empirical research is invalid: She does not search for counter-evidence. It is apparent in her text-books also, the best-known of which I HAVE read very carefully.
In 1995, I collected statements from scholars and others in Norway, Sweden and Denmark and submitted them to our parliament, because there was a proposal in, a members’ private bill, from two parliament members to have Barnevernet reformed. Our statements went to the committee for child and family affairs; the statements were commented on in the debate in parliament, so they were not just loose opinions or irrelevant chit-chat.
Among these statements, I obtained one from a neuro-psychiatrist and pediatrician in Sweden (his research is high quality and parts of it are highly relevant for CPS questions). He had come across Killén’s doctoral work, and wrote a paragraph about it in his statement. He compared her kind of research to what is done when some research group or medical firm wants to put a new kind of medicine on the market: Double blind tests, up to thousands of test subjects, duplication trials.
It sounds like very unreliable research, Marianne. Do you have an opinion as to why so many have bought into something that is so poorly researched?
- Perhaps a kind of “Marxian” explanation is relevant for once: Money and jobs and power, for their own professions and allies?
- I believe you’re totally right Marianne.
Their goal is simply that :”Money and jobs and power, for their own professions and allies”.The passivity and silence of the population has permitted it to go that far. Same in Sweden.But now things will change.
My wife and I live in Norway and we are from latinoamerica, with 3 kids, two of them are girls. I can not imagine this happening. The family Nurse made questions to my little daughter who is 6 years old when we go to the regular control appointment, and that nurse doesn’t let me even say any word to my daughter during the visit (there have been CPS cases started by nurses), my little daughter learned in the kindergarden that she is free from us (parents) and she has to do what she think, and she has been asked to inform whatever happen at home. We are scared. But nothing has happened so far, the problem is that we have to take care what we say or not at home. Is scary to live like that, we have to think twice how to give a hug to our little daughter, and that is hard because where we come from, is very normal and exiting to give a hug and a kiss to our kids (that is love in all sence and kids need that!). I totally agree that kids with problems in the family should be evaluated and taken away to another family or adoption if there is proof of continuous physical violence, but in Norwat this is becoming scary when I read cases of kids taken away when they are just born, or for very minor reasons. Honestly, I don’t see my daughters growing in a country like this if this situation continues, and now even more when this article says that they are considering the evaluation from pregnacy! Our second daughter is going to be put under educational and pedagogic control at the ower secondary school because she “can not learn as the other kids”, how can she learn as a native norwegian kid if she is still learning the norwegian language!? That now will be a part of a report that for sure will be considered in the future, I repeat, is scary.
I do not understand you people,if you know this things are real,why on earth are you steel in that diabolic country??Leave ’till you can.Is better to leave in a poor country with your fam. intact than in a rich country broken,destroyed,devastated.Don’tyou think??
This is Caspian, six months old, sleeping peacefully. This photo was taken today at 1.58pm. Moments after this photo was taken, police with Norway’s CPS enter a family’s home and cruelly take Nadia’s baby away. The Norwegian police said they took the baby because nobody knew where the birth certificate was.
This is the very dark side of Norway, which Norwegian authorities do not want you to know about. It’s a total horror for many young families in Norway. Interestingly, the police commented that they had been listening in on the phone conversations – so I guess, this new anti-terror law is already in affect in Norway, but sadly it’s being used to kidnap little innocent babies from their mothers’ arms, instead of catching real terrorists.
In defense of the Norwegian police, they only carry out orders given by Norway's CPS, barnevernet, but it must be pretty gruesome and horrible for those policemen who have honour and integrity to carry out such acts. They also commented that the family were very caring and barnevernet had shown them no court ruling permission to take Caspian.
They took little Caspian while he was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Barnevernet had no county board ruling or authority to take this little baby. No help was offered beforehand at all to Nadia. No young family is safe from Norway’s system of error and terror (Norway’s CPS) for young families – Absolutely No One!
If Norwegians don’t stand up now, then I really wonder where the moral ground has gone in this country. It would seem that there is no moral ground and ethics have just been thrown out of the window as well. Norwegian families also need help from abroadl!!!
Brutal, sick and very sad. Please pray for Nadia and Caspian and the wonderful Hennum family who Nadia and Caspian were staying with.

Photo by Julian-G. Albert
by Elsa Christensen
Part 1
It is Ascension day, Thursday the fifth of May, this year. A mother walks through the gates of Vilde “Home for Mothers,” never to return. She takes her son with her, a boy of about five months. The next days will be the first days that the mother and the baby get to be together without any public surveillance in a governmental institution, surveillance by the CPS.
Mother and child had survived five months away from home, observed day and night in an institution with video surveillance. Their performance of day-to-day tasks had been continuously monitored. In addition, daily notation of facial expressions, mood, and development were recorded. And then there was the IQ testing.
Why was this Mother’s freedom to be in a normal social setting taken from her? When she was thirteen years old she was at school with her twelve year old sister. The authorities came in with the CPS and forcefully separated the two sisters who tried desperately to hold on to one another. The police also took their three other siblings.
“I was fine when I lived at home,” the mother remembers.
From that day, the five siblings never lived together, nor did they get to live with their parents as youngsters. The siblings were spread out, and the girl of thirteen was forced to live in a CPS institution. The other children in the institution were experimenting with several kinds of drugs. The loss of everything that was familiar to her made her seek consolation in the drugs she was offered. Her addiction followed her the next thirteen years. Then she got pregnant.
The day after giving birth, it was explained to the mother that the CPS could help. She was told this because the goal was to remove her child from her. This fact was hidden from the mother.
Proposal of Help #1: Two CPS employees came to see her the day after she gave birth. They told her that the child was going to be moved to a foster home.
Proposal of Help#2: The CPS promised the mother on the same day that they would not take the child if she agreed to admit herself for observation at the Sudmanske “Home for Mothers.”
The mother accepted the help; she had no choice if she wanted to keep her boy. Most people would call this coercion. The CPS called it “voluntary acceptance of help.”
Proposal of Help #3: Two days before Christmas, at midnight, the institution staff met with the mother. Instead of the expected discussion of her progress, she was informed that her son would be taken from her as a part of the third proposal of help. Up to this point, she had been breast feeding the boy.
The mother felt powerless after losing her living child, and she did not know where the CPS had taken him. She knew was that the boy was taken from the person he belonged to and was a part of.
Proposal of Help #4: After two weeks the mother was offered another proposal of help. The little boy would be returned to her immediately if she voluntary admitted herself for observation in the Vilde “Home for Mothers.”
This was 500 kilometers from her home. Most people would call this coercion. The CPS once again called it “the voluntary acceptance of a proposal for help.” After four months of continuous observation, the mother ended the fourth help proposal on her own initiative on the fifth of May.
For many decades, up until the 1970’s, children of wanderers such as gypsies, were taken by force from their parents. The CPS was assisted by the police to give these children what the government said they needed: a childhood without parents and siblings. They would be housed in institutions. Between a fourth and a third of these children born between 1900 and 1960 were treated this way. Girls were IQ tested and sterilized. This was also done to some boys. In addition, whole families were interned in labor colonies. There, among other things, they were taught a “regular life characterized by tough discipline.” This was said to be “voluntary,” but clear threats to take away their children gave parents no other choice but to except this existence. “This is our near history. The last labor colony was closed in 1989. The last sterilizing was done in 1964. Later on, the government had to pay compensation for the abuse, and asked for forgiveness for destroying lives.” (Nina E. Tveter)
Does the mindset behind these actions live on?
Twenty-four years after the last forced sterilization in Molde, Norway, and about the same time as they closed Svanviken labor colony in Nordmøre, the social worker Kari Killén wrote a Doctoral Thesis. It was this work that made it possible for CPS to become as it is today.
After a study of only 17 children, Killen shaped the future CPS, a CPS based on measures of the parents’ functions. Killén told the social workers to evaluate “which parents can help children to survive!” (Molde, Norway, 19.02.2009)
The social workers in Norway and Scandinavia took her grand mission very seriously, and the results of their evaluations are catastrophic. The CPS and the police are now forcing 4-5 children each day out of their homes, most of them never to return to their parents. Last year this “protection” of our children cost the government 20 billion NOK.
The Middle Class Emotional Neglect
Killén, a social worker, is responsible for an important part of the curriculum for people studying to become social workers, and she has been teaching these courses for years. According to Kari Killén, 45% of Norwegian children suffer from emotional neglect. Her thinking is the foundation for the Norwegian CPS today: that 45% of our children will be traumatized by their own parents because of dubious bonding. When this happens, the CPS needs to “assist” people. Killén’s conclusion is based on this assertion: 45% of our children have parents that cannot help them survive without damage!
Killén argues that the percentage is so high because of a new type of neglect that she calls: “The emotional neglect in the middle class.” This is something that only some of the highly educated can understand: some health nurses, doctors and others may discover it from the time of the pregnancy.
Killen says that “Middle Class Emotional Neglect” is hard to discover and the damage does not show until the child is three to five years old, and particularly in the teen years.
A National Breakdown?
If there is any truth to Killén’s assumption, it would be a sign of a total breakdown of the Norwegian welfare state. Of course, this idea makes no sense and the result of the work that the CPS has done based upon it must be seen as one of the greatest tragedies of our time.
A Forced Stay in a “Home for Mothers”
It wasn’t that long ago that gypsies had the choice between moving to a labor colony, or losing their children and getting sterilized. Today, hundreds of women yearly get the choice between moving to “Homes for Mothers” for observation, or losing their children at once. Just like the gypsies before them, these “choices” are called “voluntary.” We find this enforced in the CPS statistics under the term “help.”
In our culture, women with newborns have traditionally been well cared for. They get help in the house, food served in bed, helpful advice on breast feeding, and care from women that are friends. In the institutions, the women are merely being observed! They are taken away and isolated from their friends and family, people with whom it is natural to share the joy over the baby.
Many women in these institutions tell stories of how they initially got a warm welcome so it was natural to open up and talk about themselves. Then the illegal video surveillance started and there were demands for detailed plans of their daily tasks. The requirement: their plans had to be noted every half hour. Any supervision and guidance came mostly in the form of negative criticism. Monitoring of the voice, facial expressions, hygiene, and lack of initiative were recorded. Finally, the lack of eye contact with the child and other signs of supposed lack of interaction were seriously considered. The things the mothers told about themselves in confidence at the beginning of their stay, was written in an “end report” that was unrecognizable to the mothers themselves.
“End reports” on the different mothers are strangely similar. Many mothers are in despair, often there with their first child. They have “let themselves” be institutionalized by force in a desperate hope of getting to keep their baby or of not losing it again. Most of them do not return home with their children.
The mother mentioned earlier in this narrative survived five months under observations just like these. Every time a child was taken, she remembered when her own baby was taken from her at three weeks of age. She cried every time a child disappeared. In her “end report,” her crying was interpreted this way: “the mother is unstable!” She had lost once and was afraid to lose again.
“End reports” from ” “Home for Mothers”
The “end reports” from “Home for Mothers” are the most depressing literature I have read during my study of the CPS. The heartless lack of concern that make their methods possible are reflected in written observations. A family therapist will deliver these “end reports” to be used by the Council Committee and judges, who need proof for decisions. The “end reports” have a huge impact on the lives of children, parents and whole families.
As noted earlier, the reports are strangely similar. Most things are interpreted in the worst possible way. They are full of symbols, meaning no direct accusations, that describe irrelevant circumstances. Circumstances that, if they were relevant, would discredit the parent and strengthen the therapists allegations. Just as enlightening as the things in the report are the things that are withheld on purpose.
In the report on the woman who moved out voluntarily, breast feeding was mentioned as something she wanted to do, but it was not mentioned as something that she actually did. The fact that she was breast feeding the child until the CPS placed the boy with strangers is deliberately withheld! They did not mention that when the mother got her boy back in her arms after two weeks, her breasts were still not completely dry. They withheld the fact that the mother asked the public health nurse and the doctor in “The Mothers Home” if they thought that she could get the milk production back up, so she could continue breast feeding. They told her she couldn’t! Others knew that she could have managed it easily with some help and in a safe environment. The family therapist described the lack of eye contact between mother and child. She didn’t mention that the CPS kept them from developing the natural eye contact that breast feeding gives, and didn’t mention that they had the mother believing that she could never have this “free” eye contact again with the boy. (A baby’s eye sight is sharpest in the distance from the breast to the mothers face.) Another important fact that was held back was that the mother and child that they observed had just been reunited! The baby came from a two week stay in an emotional no-man’s-land (two weeks, in a lifetime of five weeks). The mother was scared and felt that she was in a dangerous situation after having lost her baby, having it back, and then being threatened of losing it again. The family therapist did not mention that the observations were made in the light of this dramatic break in the relationship between the mother and the baby.
Killén teaches that the people who do not have the necessary caring skills, will probably never learn them. This explains why the “Home for Mothers” is the exact opposite of what is normal in the rest of society. The “Home” does not give help when needed. They do nothing to strengthen and support people who are managing the best they can. These “Homes” merely observe and call it “help.” In reality, they are “helping” the child be torn from where it belongs.
The CPS in the Future
We know a lot about some groups of people in the government who would like to control family activity. Recently, a member of the parliament and social committee suggested that the CPS should start to prepare when the woman is pregnant. The CPS seems to listen to this member.
How many groups of people should be deemed unworthy of the parenting role? The gypsies were told clearly in their time to stop giving birth or be sterilized. Many people who have been involved with the CPS say that sterilization would almost have been better, (because then we would have known for sure that we don´t have a future in our own country.)
Time may be short before claims for compensation will come from the survivors who got their lives ruined by the CPS. It appears that it will be a tough battle. Until then, the CPS will use money from the 20 billion NOK they have at their disposal, for a very peculiar purpose; forcing CPS employees into the homes of families to restore the good impression of the CPS! The ones that are coerced to accept this “help” become traumatized families, in numerous cases, that may get their children back only after long battles with the CPS. As stated earlier, in many cases, they never get their children back.